Thursday, December 9, 2010


So JAR Paris is now but a fond memory, and hopefully being enjoyed by all of Elle's many super-stylish friends (Please refer to previous post if this statement confuses you.)
Fortunately, Mr. Rosenthal must have felt pity for us poor souls who desperately long to become a member of his secret cult - because deep in the inner reccesses of Bergdorf Goodman, past the sea of Moncler coats and Valentino bags, beyond LancĂ´me and Chanel, there exists a tiny cavern. In a space no bigger than a large dressing room, lies the inner sanctum of JAR. No, this shrine does not house his mesmerizing jewelry per se; but rather, jewels he has created for one's olefactory receptors.
Yes, JAR perfume.
Now, I've never been a huge perfume fan - but JAR perfume? I'm in!
7 fragrances (comprised of top secret ingredients) are "experienced" in this mystical purple alcove before you are allowed to purchase. And although the whole process may involve a tinge of pretension and pageantry, the lovely gentleman helping me, Franz, could not have been any nicer. (Note to self : Customer service goes a long way!) He also happened to be delightfully, drop dead gorgeous - which never hurts... 
After he unleashes each fragrance from under it's own bell jar, I sample the 3 that I like best:
Bolt of Lightning
Ferme tes Yeux
Being the Libra that I am, I'm completely and utterly unable to make a decision - each fragrance so unique and vastly different from the other 2.
What is a gal to do?!
I did end up purchasing a JAR fragrance before I left Bergdorf's that afternoon - but not for myself. It was simply too daunting a task. Instead, I purchased the experience for my incredibly supportive and fashion-obsessed girlfriend, Amy. I knew she would have no problem choosing a fragrance right away as she is an Aquarian and has NO difficulty making decisions (in fact, she went in right away and picked out Jardinia with no hesitation).
So, once again, JAR has escaped me - but not for long. I'm leaning towards Bolt of Lightning - I think...

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