Sunday, January 30, 2011

Please leave a message after the beep...

Hi Mimi, it's me, 40, again. I've tried calling a few times and have sent several text messages and emails, none of which have been returned. I just wanted to remind you that I'll be visiting soon for an extended stay and hoped that if it wasn't too much of an inconvenience, you would be kind enough to accommodate a few of my hospitality needs.

1) I will need a super-expensive moisturizer to combat the frigid east coast weather. We both know that the days of Neutogena are far behind us and that I can only tolerate the richness of La Prairie or Le Mer. I do understand that at $500 a jar this is somewhat of an extravagance, but I really don't think you want to see my flaky, dry face in the morning - might scare the kids.
2) Please stock the pantry with Metamucil as I'm having some issues with my morning, well, you know...
3) If you could make sure to stock a drawer with a few Spanx for me, I might want to wear a sexy dress out to dinner one night and I can no longer hold my stomach in after a large meal.
4) Can you set up an appointment for me at that med-spa you were raving about? I forget the Dr.s name, but a round of botox and micro-dermabrasion might give me that "girlish glow" I've been missing for the last few years.
5) Could you please schedule all of our social outings as early in the evening as possible? I rarely stay up past 11pm these days.
6) Oh, and lastly, please remind Cooper that I looovvveeee babies so if you could possibly pop out 1 last rugrat right before my visit, I would be more than happy to baby-sit while I'm there.

Well, that's it. I hope I'm not being too nudgy, but you know what they say...The squeaky wheel gets the oil La Prairie.

1 comment:

CharlieChat said...

Hee Hee - I'll be there before you and still no rugrats!!! I've got some major shocks coming my way! You are my hero!!